Unhealthy lives

The following chart shows how the health of people in Nepal differ massively from a developed country such as the UK:

Indicator Nepal UK
Life expectancy of boys 61 76
Life expectancy of girls 61 81
Healthy life expectancy of boys 52 69
Healthy life expectancy of girls 51 72
Chance of boy dying between the ages of 15 and 60 1 in 3.5 1 in 10
Chance of girl dying between the ages of 15 and 60 1 in 3.5 1 in 18
Chance of boy dying before the age of 5 1 in 12 1 in 150
Chance of girl dying before the age of 5 1 in 12 1 in 150
Expenditure of GDP spent on health 5.3% 8%
Expenditure spent on health per person $64 $2,389
Population in millions 27 59
Average person’s income $1,277 $31,308

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