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Category Archives: News

Crisis Report

We’ve now been in Nepal for 3 weeks and the past 2 weeks we have been stuck in a village whilst a national strike and daily protests against the current kingship continue. Local conditions are fine, whilst there have been a few reported deaths around the country, local massive protests have gone without too many problems. The major problem is that all our schools
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Project 2006

We’re off to Nepal for several months to work on the new projects that Himalayan Learning has been devising. We’re hoping that we will be able this year to work even more closely with the local communities that we help with your kind support. 2006 will be the year that we are building the local women’s committies so that women can be empowered into
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21 Computers Donated

21 Apple Mac computers have been donated this week by Leeds College of Art. 9 iMacs and 12 Mac desktops were collected by the Trustees on friday, all to be sent to the Himalaya for our Computer Education project. All the computers had a good spring clean to make them all fresh for the young adults that will be using them. The project will
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Giving in the UK Survey

Just under three-fifths of the adult population (57.2 per cent) give to charity each month, accounting for 0.9 per cent of GDP. The average amount donated per month per UK adult is £14.17. There is also a regional variation, with Londoners donating an average of £22.00 per month, almost double the amount donated by the Welsh, though Londoners are also the least likely to
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New Year, New Hopes

We at Himalayan Learning wish everyone an excellent 2006, or as it is in Nepal, an excellent 2062! This year will hopefully be fully of new ideas and news supporters. We’ve managed to set up a new set of projects in the Himalaya and we’re looking forward to getting them off the ground in 2006. The political situation in Nepal changed over Christmas, the
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all our supporters out there. In case you didn’t know, you can now buy all your Christmas presents online from our fairtrade shop. All the crafts come from Nepal and will be delivered before Christmas as long as you order them asap! The last postal date recommended by Royal Mail is December the 20th! Also this year, you can send your
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New Login Website

The newest addition to our website is the ability to login so that all donors can keep up to date with the children and projects that they support. All donors should receive a letter in the next few days that tells them the username and password for them to login. You will now be able to send your children Christmas presents such as sweaters
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Computers for Charity

Himalayan Learning are working to develop a project to transport second hand computers from the UK to the Himalaya and create an IT school for children living in extreme poverty. If you think that you can help by donating skills and knowledge please get in touch with us by emailing it_project himalayan-learning.co.uk Currently the project is going through proposal stages at the moment and
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Fairtrade Shop

You can now buy that little present from our online fairtrade shop, all the gifts are from the local communities and are the best quality! Have a browse through the beautiful Newari/Tibetan jewellery, our Buddhist monk’s hand painted work or elegant quality pashmina shawls straight from the Himalaya. You could also buy yourself a hand made bag full of locally picked tea in a
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Live 8

Make Poverty History is a coalition of more than 400 charities, unions and faith groups ranging from Oxfam and Comic Relief to the Transport and General Workers’ Union. Although many people see it as a rebranding of previous campaigns with similar aims like ‘Drop the Debt’ and ‘Jubilee 2000’, Make Poverty History calls itself a one year campaign based around the G8 summit of
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